Hi there!

My name is Carolyn and I am the long arm quilter in Carolyn’s Longarm Quilting. 

Prior to my retirement, I was planning for this next stage in my life.  I purchased a Nolting 17 and a Hinterberg frame, and my plan was to make quilts for myself and my family and quilt them on this machine.  When taking a quilting class, I met a lady who had a Nolting Pro 30 with an Intelliquilter.  We talked about the machine, and its accompanying Intelliquilter, and I was totally fascinated with what it could do.  After retirement, I worked with her for about a year and a half, and she taught me about the machine, the ins and outs of the longarm quilting business, and when the time was right, I purchased her machine and accessories.  

I then opened my studio in Camden East.  The fourteen foot frame fit nicely in the space provided, and I was in business.  I used that space for about 8 years, and just recently moved everything to my home.  

Currently, I am taking on-line classes and still learning.  I have attended  the Machine Quilting Exposition in New Hampshire several times and taken classes with some quilters who do amazing work.  I have concluded that the learning never ends.

In 2020, COVID made it necessary to change the way we do business.  However, I found that quilters are a resilient group, and we did what we must.  We wore face masks, used hand sanitizer, and consulted online.  It wasn’t as convenient, but it worked. Now we are back to pre-COVID (or ahead to post-COVID) and things have returned more or less to normal. So let’s stay calm and carry on…and quilt!